Effective Marketing Strategies for Maximum Returns

August 20, 2023, by Tadala Fumie

Effective Marketing Strategies for Maximum Returns by Tadala Fumie

Good marketing finds customers, Great marketing creates customers

Jack Butche

Truth be told, what is a product without a market? What is a business without customers? It is the duty of every business individual or firm to find the right market niche for a product. Doing so is what is referred to as effective marketing. In addition to that, effective marketing goes as far as analysing all elements of a business to ensure that the marketing strategies deployed align with the business goals for maximum returns.

Jack Butcher the founder of Visualize Value and a former creative director with 10 years of experience in Fortune 100 advertising simply says, "Good marketing finds customers and Great marketing strategies create customers"

For decades, the only means of reaching customers was through outbound marketing approaches, which made businesses incredibly difficult. Creating customers was far from precise. Determining the impact of marketing strategies on revenue and the costs of customer acquisition was nowhere near accurate.

However, with the passage of time, marketing got easier. Strategies were made simple with the coming of technology (internet) specifically. Businesses saw their profits booming

Even though, not every business succeeded, some of them prevailed. For those who failed in their early years, it was simply because they did not have precise marketing strategies, all they did was to find customers not create them.

In trying to reduce the failure of business and maximize returns, every business owner must try to accomplish the following marketing strategies.

  1. Taking Advantage of social media
    Leveraging social media is nothing new, but it remains a sound, cheap tool for startup companies. By producing quality content /service on some of the most highly frequented traffic channels on the Internet, social media not only offers the opportunity for exposure but a place to market and earn returns.
  2. Establishing uncontested market space
    While most businesses focus on the customers currently purchasing in their industry and take customers from each other, the focus should base on trying to increase the size of the industry by attracting people who have never purchased your product before.
  3. Creating an affiliate program.
    Most business owners do not understand the power of affiliate marketing. Affiliates can provide massive fuel for growing brand awareness. However, approaching the right partners is not always that easy. You have to have good conversion if you want the bigger affiliate to take you seriously.
  4. Conducting Surveys
    Conducting surveys plays a crucial role in the success of your small business. After all, if you do not know the audience you are marketing to, it is going to be difficult to communicate with them effectively. Through conducting a survey, you can know your customer's needs and ways to improve your product or services. While it sounds like a hard thing to do, conducting a survey is a simple task, it only needs you to ask your customers whether they are satisfied with what you are offering or not, or what exactly can you do to make them satisfied.
  5. Exploring Partnerships
    Exploring and utilizing partnerships with other small businesses can exponentially boost your business's revenue potential. A partner can provide capital, give your brand more exposure or help you gain additional work by offering services you do not have.

On the other hand, you will always win the day marketing continually lowers the costs of producing your product or service while also increasing the value of your business. It is as well worth noting that every business can succeed and maximize its profits only if smart marketing strategies are employed.

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