The Role of Information Technology in the Aviation Sector

September 10, 2024, by Monica Kagulo

The Role of Information Technology in the Aviation Sector by Monica Kagulo

Imagine you are on a routine flight which is thousands of feet from the ground above. At this point you are sure that technology directing the plane is faultless, guaranteeing your safety. But what can happen if it develops a fault while still above the ground? Well the Chikangawa plane crash serves as a cue of both the power as well as weakness of the information technological systems that shape the foundation of the current aviation industry. However  in an aviation industry where safety is the most important thing, information technology plays a crucial role in everyday operations from flight operations, safety systems to the crisis management and emergence response.
a) Flight operations
Information technology is important in the aviation through its role in the flight operations. Today, aircraft are equipped with IT systems which are very advanced and  are capable of supporting almost everything on the plane. Real time tracking technologies such as the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast helps airline operators and air traffic controllers to track the location, altitude and speed of the aircraft. In the case of the Chikangawa plane crash, the real time tracking technologies would have helped in finding out the last known position of the aircraft. The information which could have been obtained from these technologies would have helped in initiating the investigations into the crash as well as in coordinating the search and rescue operations. The IT systems have the ability of presenting accurate information which makes the difference between a rescue operation which can be fast and the one that can be delayed by uncertainties.
b) Safety systems
Safety is very critical in the aviation industry and this is made possible because of information technology. Parameters such as the engine health, fuel levels and environmental conditions are monitored by the safety systems. These are made in such a way that anomalies are detected so that the crew members should be alert of potential issues before they escalate into the emergencies. Therefore during the Chikangawa plane crash, if these technologies were very effective, this could have been the main focus for the investigators. And also critical insights about what happened could have been provided, if there were any warning signals or the failure of the systems prior to the crash. In addition, IT is very integral to the systems of communication between the aircraft and air traffic controls. When communication is continuous , it ensures that the aircraft is safely directed.
c) Crisis management
In any aviation  incident, effective communication with the public is very important. IT systems are very crucial in the management of this aspect,  particularly through the involvement of digital platforms as well as social media. Following the Chikangawa incident, information technology would have been used in providing the general public with updates.
Moreover, IT helps in the widespread dissemination of information through social media where citizen journalists participate. During the Chikangawa crash, those who witnessed the incident may have used their smartphones to capture the images contributing to the global awareness.
d) Emergence response
IT systems play a role in the coordination of emergence responses. These systems help in enabling the rapid dissemination of information  among various agencies including the search  and rescue teams. As the aviation continue, the reliance of IT will only increase hence making it more important than ever to ensure that they are very reliable in supporting the safety standards


The Chikangawa plane crash offers several lessons for the aviation sector. Firstly, it gives the insights of testing and maintenance of IT systems. To ensure safety of both the pilots and the crew members, regular system checks are very important. The pilots must be also trained not only in the standard operation procedures but also ways in which they can respond to the IT expec ed failures. This can help them to react very quickly when they meet challenges. By learning from this tragedy and  the vulnerabilities ties which it presented, the aviation sector can continue in the building of strengths  of information technology  to ensure that the skies are safe.

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